京都在住のフリーランスのイラストレーターです。ストックサイトではアドビストック、ドリームズタイムス, ピクスタ、ネットマーケットではエツィーを中心にクリエイティブ・マーケットでも販売をしています。購入に関するご質問や受注製作依頼は下記メールアドレスよりご連絡ください。なお個人営業で人手がございませんのでスケジュールに空きがない場合はお待ちいただいたりお受けできない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 Hi from Kyoto Japan. I'm a freelance designer and an animal lover.I'm currently selling my arts mainly on microstock agency Adobe Stock, Dreamstime, PIXTA and online market Etsy and Creative Market. Please contact me from below address if you have any questions about purchasing or ordering, though I'm running my business on my own, so there might be a time that I'm too busy to get custom orders. Thank you for your understanding.
The price is $30~ for a head, and $50~ for a whole body. Discounts available for multiple orders.
The size of image will be fitting 744 x 744 pixels for a head, and 744 x 1052 pixels for whole body. If you print at 300 dpi, 744px = about 21 cm, 1052px = about 30 cm.
You will get a set of JPG (white background) and PNG (transparent background), both with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Please provide at least one reference photo/screenshot facing the front (for pet portrait the more the better, as the impression changes depending on the brightness and angles), and if you have any particular facial expressions you are looking for (smiling, serious face, mouth open, tongue out, etc.), please include a description of those expressions. I would be grateful if you could also tell me the purpose of use.
Commercial use is OK, and use on websites and as icons is also OK.
After confirming the above, please contact us at the address below.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the address below.
エツィー/Etsy…イラストダウンロード販売/selling clip arts
ザズル/Zazzle…Tシャツ、ポスター、ポストイット等販売/selling T-shirts, posters, post it
スズリ/Suzuri…Tシャツ、ステッカー、マグカップ等販売/selling T-shirts, stickers, mugs